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HAFI GOES WEST | Location found | Dortmund

HAFI opens sales office in Dortmund
HAFI’s new sales office has found its home in Dortmund. With the PHOENIX laboratory, which is located on the historic PHOENIX West site in Dortmund, we have found a more than suitable location: This is where industrial history meets modernity, historic buildings meet progressive architecture and new workplaces meet leisure facilities.

New showroom and office space from summer 2024
The premises and keys were handed over back in January. “From summer 2024, our partners are cordially invited to visit us in our new showroom. Until then, a world will be created here at PHOENIX West where they can experience our products live and on site. This will greatly enhance the quality of consultations. But I am also looking forward to numerous events, because our new branch will be a place to meet and exchange ideas,” says Flemming Quenzer, Head of the Central/West sales branch. He continues: “In addition to the showroom, the PHOENIX laboratory, which I believe is an ideal fit for HAFI, will also be used as office space. The special atmosphere – and not least the daily view of the Westfalenstadion – will certainly inspire and motivate the team and myself on site.”

Labor PHOENIX: listed building with architectural highlights
The listed building from 1958 was used by Dortmunder Hüttenunion as a laboratory and was the entrance to the factory premises. Today, its exterior is virtually unchanged. The clinker brick façade, the concrete pilaster strips and the protruding roof reflect the symmetrical industrial architecture of the 1950s. Inside, there are modern offices that have been designed while preserving numerous historical elements and materials.

PHOENIX West: the symbol of the coal and steel industry in the Ruhr
The laboratory is located on the PHOENIX West site, which is a symbol of structural change in the Ruhr region. Where the coal and steel industry used to be at home, there are now modern office buildings as well as listed buildings for commercial use. The location also offers numerous leisure and cultural activities. Breweries, parks and art exhibitions invite you to linger. The facilities of the disused blast furnace and the Hoesch gasometer are particularly characteristic.

HAFI Beschläge GmbH
Vertriebsniederlassung Mitte/West
Konrad-Adenauer-Allee 10
44263 Dortmund

Picture © Angela Elbing Fotografie