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Flush Line Design 208 on rosette 870 

Maintenance-free stainless steel pivot-mounted door handle set. 200.000 movement cycles with spring preload according certificate.
Quick mounting by the “Push-Click”-function, optionally also suitable for flush mounting in the door leaf.
Surface brushed matt with stainless steel sub-construction.

free movement < 0,5 mm
free angular movement < 0,5 mm

Classification key according to DIN EN 1906

4 7 B 1 4 0 B


Tender texts

You can download our product-specific tender texts here.

Rosettengarnitur 208 PZ


Wechselgarnitur 208 PZ


Badgarnitur 208 WC


Rosettengarnitur Feuerschutz 208 PZ


Wechselgarnitur Feuerschutz 208 PZ

Some downloads are available here. To open some files you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download here.

Flush Line Design 208 | 870 datasheet