You are here: HAFI Beschläge GmbH > Products > Public Line plain doors 245


Public Line Design 245 on rosette 840 

1.500.000 movement cycles with spring preload according certificate.

Maintenance-free stainless steel door handle set with integrated ball bearing and low friction, self-lubricating equalizing bushing.

Surface brushed matt with zinc plated steel sub-construction.

free movement< 0,5 mm
free angular movement < 0,5 mm

Increased tensile stress 3000 N

Classification key according to DIN EN 1906

4 7* B1 1** 5 0 B

*Durability tested with 1.500.000 cycles
**Safety tested with 3.000 N

Public Line Design 203 on rosette 840 

200.000 movement cycles with spring preload according certificate.

Maintenance-free stainless steel door handle set with integrated ball bearing and low friction, self-lubricating equalizing bushing.

Surface brushed matt with zinc plated steel sub-construction.

free movement<1,0 mm
free angular movement <1,0 mm

Classification key according to DIN EN 1906

4 7 B 1 5 0 A/B*



Here you can download our product specific tender texts.

Rosettengarnitur 245 PZ
GAEB .d81
GAEB .x81

Badgarnitur 245 WC
GAEB .d81
GAEB .x81

Wechselgarnitur 245 PZ
GAEB .d81
GAEB .x81

Wechselgarnitur Feuerschutz 245 PZ
GAEB .d81
GAEB .x81

Some downloads are available here. To open some files you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download here.

Public Line Design 245 | 840 datasheet